Since the start of Whatcom Smart Trips on July 1, 2006
people have made
Smart Trips
For a TOTAL of:
81,870,247 miles
or 343 trips to the moon.
Environmental Benefits
- Number of tons of hydrocarbons prevented:
- 123
- Number of tons of carbon monoxide prevented:
- 1,118
- Number of tons of particulate matter prevented:
- 0.45
- Number of tons of carbon dioxide prevented:
- 33,271
Economic Benefits
- Number of gallons of gas saved:
- 3.41 million
- Dollars saved:
- $13,519,397.70
5 x as many jobs are created when we buy local goods and services instead of gasoline
20 x as many jobs are created when we pay for transit fare as when we buy gasoline
Health Benefits
- 18 million
- walking and bicycling miles
- 2.68 million
- hours of physical activity
Smart Trips reduce health care costs to local employers by 25%. In addition, they reduce:
heart disease by 50%
depression & anxiety by 47%
worsening of Alzheimer's & dementia by 50%
arthritis pain by 47%