Art Ride Loop

Distance: 1.8 miles
Estimated riding time: 24-45 minutes (dependent upon time spent enjoying the art)
This ride highlights a variety of publicly and privately owned art including sculptures, murals and more. This route includes city streets, trails, low-traffic bike boulevards, and designated bike lanes.
Note: in downtown core, riding bikes on the sidewalk is not allowed. Please walk your bike if using sidewalks.
Before you leave:
Make sure your bike is in good working order using the ABC Quick Check.
- Air — pump up your tires to the suggested air pressure indicated on sidewall of tire
- Brakes —be sure your brakes are in good working order
- Chain — lubricate your chain, if needed for a smoother ride
Step by step directions:
For a PDF file of step by step directions with photos click HERE.
- Start at Bellingham Public Library:
Arch of Healing and Reconciliation, Delilah, created by Cheryl Box, Mary Kuebelbeck, Bob Larson, and Stan Richardson;
Meeting of the Minds, created by Ed Haddaway
Amending Table for Talking, created by Kay Kammerzel
Japanese Stone Latern, gift from Sister City, Tateyama Japan
Upright Observation Table, created by Andrew Wachs
Across the street at the County Courthouse – Whatcom County Centennial Story Totem Pole, created by Lummi tribe members Joseph Hillaire and Herb John - Turn right onto Grand Avenue from Lottie Street. At crosswalk next to City Hall walk bike across crosswalk and down ramp to access the trail below.
- Follow the trail along Whatcom Creek to Maritime Heritage park.
Salmon Woman Totem, created by the Lummi House of Tears
Confluence, created by Gerard Tsutakawa - Leave the park crossing Holly Street to Central Avenue.
- Follow Central Avenue to Waypoint Park.
Waypoint (a.k.a. the “Acid Ball”)
community murals (temporary) - Turn right onto Granary Avenue into the protected cycle track.
- Follow Granary Avenue as it turns to the left and become W Laurel Street.
- Turn left onto Cornwall Avenue into the bike lane.
Mural painted by Matt French - Turn right onto E Maple Street.
- Turn left onto Railroad Ave.
Goatcart, created by John Sisco - Keep straight on Railroad Avenue to Chestnut Street
Benches, created by Anthony Cava and Ries Niemi
Ingress, created by Julia Kerl
Soapbox, created by Nicholas Safertos - Cross Railroad walking bike across crosswalk towards Cornwall Avenue. Proceed to walk down sidewalk to alleyway.
- Keep straight down alleyway.
We Love B’ham mural
community murals - Turn left onto Holly Street, merge into right lane or, walk bike to corner of Holly and Cornwall, cross street in crosswalk.
- Keep straight on Holly Street.
- Turn right into alleyway between Cornwall and Commercial Street.
Dumpster Fire, created by Alex McLean
Mural created by Annabelle Barrett and Han Shaffer (east side)
Muralcreated by Annabelle Barrett and Han Shaffer (west side, Parkade) - Keep straight down alleyway to Commercial Street Plaza to your left. (You’ll need to walk your bike down some steps.)
Steel and Stone, created by Tom McClelland
Aluminum wall hangings, created by Steve Satusek - Walk onto sidewalk to enter Commercial Street.
- Keep straight on Commercial Street.
- Turn left on West Champion Street.
Days Gone By, created by Brian Goldbloom - Turn right on Grand Avenue.
Benches, created by Anthony Cava and Ries Niemi - Keep straight on Grand, follow to Library.
- You are back – full loop!